Photograph ©Hazel Ryan, Bat Conservation Trust
Why a Clinic is Needed
Bats are an endangered species and are protected by law, however they are under continual pressure as humans unwittingly encroach on their territory by removing
their habitat for new building projects. Bats frequently end up in trouble because they are injured, grounded, trapped in a building or can’t find enough insects to eat. A bat rehabber relies on people like you to let them know if you see a bat that needs help. The rehabber then cares for them to ensure that they are given every chance to get better, gain strength, are able to fly and can fend for themselves back in their own habitat. Bat rehabbers work completely voluntarily to help rehabilitate sick or injured bats.
About Mary
Mary Roberts, a member of Bat Conservation Ireland, is an experienced, dedicated rehabber in County Mayo and has cared for bats in her own home until now. However, this becomes really difficult when the bats need exercising to ensure that they are strong enough to sustain flight and catch their own food, in order for them to be released back to their own habitat.
More bats are being found in need of help each year, as life becomes more difficult for them. A dedicated, purpose built bat clinic and flight cage is needed to give the bats the best chance of survival.
Your help is urgently needed to help fund a purpose built, fully equipped clinic and flight cage to give these misunderstood mammals their best chance of being rehabilitated and released back in their own habitats.
Bats need your help, please donate whatever you can, to help these defenseless mammals to ensure that they are around for many years to come.
Thank you so much for your help.