There are many things you can do if you are interested in bats:
- Become a member and support bat conservation projects across Ireland.
- Volunteer with us.
- If you own a building with a bat roost the best thing you can do is allow them undisturbed access.
- If you would like to encourage bats in your area we have information on how to garden for bats or carry out bat-friendly farming, for example.
- If you are involved in a local Tidy Towns committee or organisation we have developed a leaflet with information that you may find useful.
- We’d also appreciate any records or sightings of bats that you would like to submit to us.
- If you are concerned about a development in your area that may impact on bats, see the Bats and Development page for more information.
- If you have experience using bat detectors, delivering bat talks and walks then please consider joining our Bat Panel. Contact for more information.